Sunday, May 8, 2011

Meeting and Need Volunteers

A Parent Group is scheduled for Monday, May 9th at 6 pm in the school library. We will discuss details for the up-coming dance and 8th grade graduation.

Calling ALL parents and guardians of Spring Hill Jr. High, We will be having our Spring Dance, "Night at the Carnival" on Friday, May 20th from 6-9 pm. Tickets will be $5.00 and will be sold Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of next week. If any of you would like to help set up, clean up, or chaperone the dance, pPlease let us know. We will be setting up at 12:30 pm on that Friday, the 20th of May. Thanks!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Meeting this Thursday in Library

We will be holding a meeting this Thursday, April 7th at 6 pm in the Spring Hill Jr. High Library. We welcome all parents and guardians to attend. We will be discussing the end of the year dance and graduation. We would love your input and help with coordinating these events. Hope to see you then!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Parent Group Meeting Tonight

We will be having a Parent Group meeting tonight at 6 pm to finalize our plans for the Valentine's Dance that is planned for Feb. 11, 2011. All Spring Hill Jr. High parents and guardians are welcome to attend the meeting in the Library.

Tickets for the Dance are $3 and will be sold next Wednesday, Feb. 9 - Friday, Feb. 11. Concessions will be open. 

We will also have the Concession Stand open during the Basketball Tourney this month. We will be selling candy and such the week of Feb. 14th and having a kick-off assembly.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Parent Group Meeting this Thursday

Our next Parent Group meeting will be Thursday, January 13 @ 6 pm. We will discuss the planning for the Valentine Dance and any ideas for fundraising, We would love to see you at the meeting.

Monday, November 8, 2010

SH Parent Group Volunteer Sign-Up Sheet

If you haven't done so already, please print and fill out our Volunteer Form so we know who to contact for help during each school event. Forms originally went home with your student with the Candy Sale information. You can return your completed forms to school with your student, drop them off at the front office, mail them to the school at 660 Lessig Ave., Akron, OH 44312 or email them to our Secretary at Thank you in advance for your continued support. We greatly appreciate it.

Next Parent Group Meeting

Our next meeting is this Thursday, November 11, 2010 at 6:30 pm in the school Library. We will be discussing fundraising and the Holiday Dance. If you are able to make it, please attend. We would love to have you there and, as always, welcome your input.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Peanut Brittle and Caramel Corn sold this Fall

Spring Hill Parent Group will be selling 8 oz, boxes of Peanut Brittle and 6 oz. boxes of
Caramel Corn from Arnold’s Candy this year as our annual Fall Fundraiser. All candy is made fresh from their factory. They make great gift ideas for teachers, grandparents, neighbors, and babysitters, etc.

Each box sells for $6, or any two boxes for $10. ALL orders are PREPAID.
Collect your orders and turn them in with your payment prior to our pick up dates below or purchase them ahead of time to sell and deliver at your convenience.

If a Spring Hill student purchases or sells 2 boxes or more, they receive 1 FREE ticket to the Halloween Dance! Limit 1 FREE Dance ticket per student.

Pick up orders and purchase Peanut Brittle & Caramel Corn at school on:
November 4th from 4 - 7 pm during Teacher Conferences and
Monday - Wednesday, November 8th - 10th during Lunch time

Sale ends on Nov. 12th. We need prepayment. No orders will be sent home without a parents or guardians consent indicated on the order form. Spring Hill Parent Group will not be responsible for any lost, stolen or eaten orders.

Prizes for the most boxes sold will be: $25, $20 & $10 gift cards. ALL orders MUST be PREPAID!!!