Monday, November 8, 2010

SH Parent Group Volunteer Sign-Up Sheet

If you haven't done so already, please print and fill out our Volunteer Form so we know who to contact for help during each school event. Forms originally went home with your student with the Candy Sale information. You can return your completed forms to school with your student, drop them off at the front office, mail them to the school at 660 Lessig Ave., Akron, OH 44312 or email them to our Secretary at Thank you in advance for your continued support. We greatly appreciate it.

Next Parent Group Meeting

Our next meeting is this Thursday, November 11, 2010 at 6:30 pm in the school Library. We will be discussing fundraising and the Holiday Dance. If you are able to make it, please attend. We would love to have you there and, as always, welcome your input.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Peanut Brittle and Caramel Corn sold this Fall

Spring Hill Parent Group will be selling 8 oz, boxes of Peanut Brittle and 6 oz. boxes of
Caramel Corn from Arnold’s Candy this year as our annual Fall Fundraiser. All candy is made fresh from their factory. They make great gift ideas for teachers, grandparents, neighbors, and babysitters, etc.

Each box sells for $6, or any two boxes for $10. ALL orders are PREPAID.
Collect your orders and turn them in with your payment prior to our pick up dates below or purchase them ahead of time to sell and deliver at your convenience.

If a Spring Hill student purchases or sells 2 boxes or more, they receive 1 FREE ticket to the Halloween Dance! Limit 1 FREE Dance ticket per student.

Pick up orders and purchase Peanut Brittle & Caramel Corn at school on:
November 4th from 4 - 7 pm during Teacher Conferences and
Monday - Wednesday, November 8th - 10th during Lunch time

Sale ends on Nov. 12th. We need prepayment. No orders will be sent home without a parents or guardians consent indicated on the order form. Spring Hill Parent Group will not be responsible for any lost, stolen or eaten orders.

Prizes for the most boxes sold will be: $25, $20 & $10 gift cards. ALL orders MUST be PREPAID!!!

Halloween Dance

Our 1st dance of the year is the Halloween Dance from 12:30 - 2:30 pm on October 29, 2010. $3 per ticket. On sale the week of the dance. Concession Stand open • Snacks sold

We need bakers to send in baked goods to the school on Thursday morning, October 28th.

We also need volunteers the afternoon of the dance for the Concession Stand and cleanup. Please contact Michele Frola at if you can help.

Pumpkin Carving/Decorating Contest will be held next week. Bring in your decorated pumpkins to the school office for display. Winners will be announced during the dance. Prizes of $25, $20 and $10 gift cards will be awarded for the top 3 winners.

Remember: School rules still apply at the dance in regards to costumes and pumpkins!

Spring Hill students can receive 1 FREE ticket to the Halloween Dance by purchasing or selling 2 boxes or more of Peanut Brittle or Caramel Corn in our Fall Fundraiser.

Make sure to turn in your Volunteer Forms in the front office or send it to school with your student to turn in to their homeroom teacher.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Entertainment Books on Sale in the School Office

Parents, family and friends can purchase Entertainment Books in the Spring Hill School Office for $30 each. If you are in need of a different city location, we can also order that for you.

These make great date night and family get-together books. Stop in and pick up one today! All proceeds go to Spring Hill Parent Group activities. These make great date night and family get-together books.

Friday, September 10, 2010

1st Parent Group Meeting for 2010-2011 School Year

Hello Spring Hill Parents and Guardians:

Our first meeting on Wednesday, September 8, 2010 at 6 pm in the Spring Hill Library went well. This year's Parent Group consists of Principal Michelle Warner, President Michelle Frola (330-699-0056,, Vice President Susan Foreman, Treasurer Debbie Perkins, Secretary Diane Kell ( and Hospitality Margaret Frazier.

We are still looking for one or two people to manage the Concession Stand for the year. Duties consist of purchasing items to sell, stocking shelves, keeping track of inventory, working with our Treasurer and scheduling parents to work the various Spring Hill basketball and volleyball games and our school dances. We would like to be able to divide up these responsibilities between two parents and are looking for help from those who will already be attending the home games.

Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 30, 2010 at 7:00 pm in the Spring Hill Library. We will be discussing plans for the Halloween Dance scheduled for Friday, October 29, 2010 in the Spring Hill Gymnasium.

The Parent Group hosts fundraisers to support four school dances during the school year, donates funds to local student causes like the D.A.R.E. Program, coordinates and manages activities for Teacher Appreciation Week, helps with graduation and assists our Principal and Spring Hill School in any way we can.

If you are interested in volunteering for any of our activities and events, we would welcome your help. Please contact me or Michelle Frola at 330-699-0056 or

We are looking forward to a successful school year. Thank you in advance.

Diane Kell
Spring Hill Parent Group Secretary

Monday, September 6, 2010


We will have our first meeting of the year this Wednesday, September 8th at 6 pm 
in the Spring Hill Library. Hope to see you there!